
Showing posts with the label IaC

How to Setup EventStoreDB on AWS EC2 with Pulumi IaC

Introduction  EventStoreDB (ESDB) is an industrial-strength database technology used as the central data store for event-sourced systems. It is available open-source to run locally on most platforms or as SaaS through Event Store Cloud. Currently their SaaS version is under development, so if you want to run it on your cloud, you will have to set it up. One option is docker, since ESDB is available as docker image on Docker Hub . However, as Greg Young explains in this issue , it might be not the best option when it comes to performance, due to the extra virtualization layer. For the same reason, we don't usually use docker images for other database engines like SQL Server, MongoDB, etc. Then, if you want to run ESDB on cloud, in particular AWS cloud, EC2 + EBS is the most reasonable option.  In this post, I would like to share how you can configure ESDB on EC2+EBS easily with Pulumi, which will allow you to automate this process following the best practices. Creating EC2 with...

Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi, AWS and Azure DevOps

  Introduction I still remember when I had to ask IT to have a new server. After that, I had to wait and pray for having the server with the corresponding permissions, software, etc. That is that Martin Fowler describes in his article about IaC as the Iron Age. Having lived that experience makes me feel a little old, but at the same time I feel lucky for having experienced the evolution, specially with the introduction of the cloud, or the Cloud Age Since the cloud showed up, the dependencies between developers and IT have been reduced drastically, until the point that most of the work related to infrastructure and operations can be handled by developers. Creating infrastructure on the cloud is really easy, compared to having to setup your on-premise machines. Most providers offer their UI, where you can select what you want to create and which parameters you want to configure. I guess this is how we all stated the first time we used the cloud. However, when your inf...