Building Micro-Frontends with Single-Spa

Introduction Micro-services architecture is becoming trendy since it is a suitable option many projects, specially those that are complex and we want to be able spilt our business logic into different services that can be built and deliver independently. In spite of the fact that micro-services architectures are more complex, they increase the resilience of your system and increase the time-to-market delivery, which can be crucial for many companies. But it is not all about services and backend. With the introduction of single page applications (SPAs), we can build fully-functional user interfaces that can work independently in the browser. And here we should ask ourselves the same questions as for backend applications: Is my SPA becoming a huge monolith? Would I like to deliver functional modules independently? If you using micro-services, is there a relation between my services and your UI? Do we want to have functional teams that can deliver new features (frontend+backend) independe...